Extending Propel in Symfony 1.4

Allow Table name prefixed with underscore Replace the original symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/addon/sfPropelDatabaseSchema.class.php: public function getChildren($hash) { foreach ($hash as $key => $value) { // ignore special children (starting with _) if ($key[0] == ‘_’) { unset($hash[$key]); } } return $hash; } with: public function getChildren($hash) { foreach ($hash as $key => $value) { // ignore special children …

MySQL Workbench Plugin to Export Schema as Symfony Propel Schema

MySQL Workbench provides DBAs and developers an integrated tools environment for: Database Design & Modeling SQL Development (replacing MySQL Query Browser) Database Administration (replacing MySQL Administrator) There are numerous MySQL Workbench plugin to export the MySQL schema into Propel, one is found here. This plugin export the schema into Propel xml schema. For a symfony …

Dynamic Web Service using ckWebServicePlugin

To implement Web Service in symfony, ckWebServicePlugin can offer integration of symfony module as web service. The instruction detail can be found at http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/ckWebServicePlugin/3_0_0?tab=plugin_readme. But, to make the plugin installation work, you need additional files: ckWsdlGenerator ckWsdlGenerator can be checked out from http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/ckWebServicePlugin/branches/ckWsdlGenerator and must be placed under [project]/plugins/ckWebServicePlugin/lib/vendor/. Addendum Addendum can be checked out …

Adding Access Logging to Symfony Application

sfAccessLoggerPlugin introduces a way of logging your site visits. To accomplish this logging, the others plugin is needed: sfGuardPlugin for User management. sfPropelUuidBehaviorPlugin for generating Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). sfRemoteIPPlugin, an extract of function found in sfPropelAuditPlugin by Sacha Telgenhof Oude Koehorst to detect the remote IP Address. sfBrowscapPlugin, a simple symfony wrapper for phpbrowscap …

Using Multiple Primary Keys in Admin Generator

Sometimes, the table we’re using force us to use multiple primary keys as shown in the schema below (config/schema.yml): connection: propel defaultIdMethod: native package: lib.model classes: State: tableName: state columns: id: { type: varchar, size: 2, primaryKey: true } country_id: { type: varchar, size: 2, primaryKey: true } name: { type: varchar, size: 50, index: …

Panduan Pemula Symfony

Catatan: Tutorial ini menggunakan Sistem Operasi Windows. Instalasi Webserver, PHP, dan MySQL Webserver: Apache HTTPD Sebagai webserver, coba Apache HTTPD (http://httpd.apache.org), download versi terakhir (2.2.x) kemudian install. Setelah instalasi selesai, buka browser: http://localhost Dan hasilnya “It works!”, ini menandakan instalasi apache telah selesai, selanjutnya kita akan mengkonfigurasi httpd agar bisa menyajikan aplikasi symfony. Database: MySQL …

A Newbie Guide for Symfony

Note: This tutorial using Windows Operating System. Webserver, PHP, and MySQL Instalation Webserver: Apache HTTPD For a webserver, try Apache HTTPD (http://httpd.apache.org), download the latest version (2.2.x) and install. After the instalation is finished, browse to: http://localhost And it say “It works!”, then the apache installation is done, next we will configure the httpd configuration …

Symfony 1.2: sfDbConfigPlugin, a sfConfig Counterpart

Symfony has a file based configuration, and with sfDbConfigPlugin, it can handle a database based configuration. sfDbConfigPlugin provide the following feature: sfDbConfig class sfDbConfig class provide a counterpart methods of sfConfig class: sfDbConfig::set(‘MYSETTING::TEST’, ‘test value’); // set the value sfDbConfig::get(‘MYSETTING::TEST’, ‘default’); // get the value, return ‘default’ if not defined $exist = sfDbConfig::has(‘MYSETTING::TEST’); // check …