Kubernetes Bare-Metal: Getting Started

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

To achieve containerized applications in Kubernetes requires a significant hardware resources such as servers and storages. A minimum of 3 servers is recommended. Also a deep understanding of Kubernetes concepts is preferred for smooth operation of each step.

Key components used in Kubernetes deployment is shown in the following table.

Component Project Description
CNI Calico Container network interface
Virtual IP kube-vip Virtual IP for high availibility
Load Balancer MetalLB External load balancer for accessing cluster services
Ingress Nginx Ingress Operator Traffic distribution and load balancing
Storage NFS Subdir External Provisioner NFS provisioner provides storage for apps
Dashboard Kubernetes Dashboard Provide an easy access to cluster

An outlined steps is described as follows.

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