sfAccessLoggerPlugin introduces a way of logging your site visits. To accomplish this logging, the others plugin is needed:
- sfGuardPlugin for User management.
- sfPropelUuidBehaviorPlugin for generating Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
- sfRemoteIPPlugin, an extract of function found in sfPropelAuditPlugin by Sacha Telgenhof Oude Koehorst to detect the remote IP Address.
- sfBrowscapPlugin, a simple symfony wrapper for phpbrowscap to determine the client browser capability.
- The sfAccessLoggerPlugin itself.
- Instal all plugins and enable them.
- Do propel build model, forms, filters, and SQL, then insert generated SQL to your database.
- In your backend application, enable bundled module sfAccessLogViewer to provide admin style generated module to view the access log.