Allow Table name prefixed with underscore
Replace the original symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/addon/sfPropelDatabaseSchema.class.php:
public function getChildren($hash) { foreach ($hash as $key => $value) { // ignore special children (starting with _) if ($key[0] == '_') { unset($hash[$key]); } } return $hash; }
public function getChildren($hash) { foreach ($hash as $key => $value) { // ignore special children (starting with _) if (in_array($key, array('_attributes', '_behaviors', '_propel_behaviors', '_inheritance', '_nestedSet', '_foreignKeys', '_indexes', '_uniques'))) { unset($hash[$key]); } } return $hash; }
Now you can define a table name which is prefixed by underscore in your config/schema.yml:
connection: propel defaultIdMethod: native package: lib.model classes: MyTable: tableName: _my_table columns: id: column1: { type: varchar, size: 30 } column2: { type: varchar, size: 255 }
Match the Propel Generated Model Files with Symfony Coding Standard
Propel 1.4 introduce behaviors named alternative_coding_standarts which can be used to alter Propel generated model files according to symfony. But, this behavior known not working and need to be pacthed. Locate symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor/propel-generator/classes/propel/engine/behavior/AlternativeCodingStandardsBehavior.php, and change:
if($this->getParameter('brackets_newline') == 'true') { $filter['#^(/t*)/}/h(else|elseif|catch)(.*)/h/{$#m'] = "$1} $1$2$3 $1{"; $filter['#^(/t*)(/w.*)/h/{$#m'] = "$1$2 $1{"; }
if($this->getParameter('brackets_newline') == 'true') { // class $filter['#^(\w.*)\h\{#m'] = "$1\n{"; // line ending with { $filter['#^(\t+)(\w.*)\h\{#m'] = "$1$2\n$1{"; // } something { $filter['#^(\t+)\}\h(else|elseif|catch)(.*)\h\{#m'] = "$1}\n$1$2$3\n$1{"; }
Change the config/propel.ini to include alternative_coding_standarts behavior as default:
propel.behavior.default = symfony,symfony_i18n
propel.behavior.default = symfony,symfony_i18n,alternative_coding_standards
And then rebuild your model files.
Adding Behavior to Add __toString() Method for Model Files
To be able to automatically generate __toString() method, symfony_tostring behavior need to be added as default behavior or registered as symfony behaviors in config/schema.yml.
propel.behavior.default = symfony,symfony_i18n,symfony_tostring,alternative_coding_standards propel.behavior.symfony_tostring.class = plugins.sfPropelPlugin.lib.behavior.SfPropelBehaviorToString
To include a column in __toString() method, define an attribute toString: true to column definition, as in:
classes: MyTable: tableName: _my_table columns: id: column1: { type: varchar, size: 30, toString: true } column2: { type: varchar, size: 255 }
This behavior accept an argument named separator which will be used to concatenate the column if there are many columns defined with toString attribute.
classes: MyTable: tableName: _my_table columns: id: column1: { type: varchar, size: 30, toString: true } column2: { type: varchar, size: 255, toString: true } behaviors: symfony_tostring: separator: ' - '
Dont forget to rebuild your models.